1.   Yet the options seemed limited.

2.   But the latter option seems risky, because Hudson has provided an end-to-end spark rarely seen this season at the point.

3.   For a guy with a lot of headaches, the last option seems the intelligent way to go.

4.   His best options would seem to be to sign a long-term contract in baseball with the Giants and a long-term contract with us in football.

5.   In a nation with an intensely militant labor force, however, any talk of layoffs opens the door to deep uncertainty, even when options seem few.

6.   In fact, he resigned his membership from the PGA Tour and his options seem to center around Europe.

7.   In others, such as missile defense, the options seem more risky.

8.   It makes sense for the sites to limit the choices, but, career-wise, the options seem a little less comprehensive.

9.   One option seems to be gone - Boutros Boutros-Greenspan.

10.   Our options seem to be to put the money against the mortgage, invest it, or a combination of the two.

n. + seem >>共 1552
people 2.07%
investor 1.12%
thing 1.12%
side 0.82%
official 0.77%
player 0.72%
government 0.62%
team 0.61%
company 0.60%
problem 0.59%
option 0.09%
option + v. >>共 336
be 56.55%
include 6.83%
give 2.27%
enable 1.93%
have 1.50%
allow 1.39%
become 1.39%
expire 1.19%
remain 1.13%
seem 0.88%
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