1.   I thought about the options open to us.

2.   This was not the only option open to him.

3.   Other options open to the council include reducing the opening hours of all libraries or cutting back on the money it pends on books.

4.   And it is not an option open to most of the world today.

5.   Another option open to Khannouchi is to compete for Morocco, but he has said repeatedly that he would not run for a country that did not support him.

6.   But Bender said he leaves open the option that Panaco can join National Energy with its management intact.

7.   But, after fully assessing the stunning events of Saturday, Perry and Murphy were holding their options open on Sunday.

8.   Despite the peace mission, NATO granted no letup in its campaign of air strikes, while its leaders moved to keep the ground-war option open.

9.   He said another option open to Orange would be to seek a partnership with a U.S. telecommunications company.

10.   Local politicians apparently want to keep their options open as long as possible, but the field of world class skaters is impatient to settle the matter.

n. + open >>共 441
door 11.69%
eye 6.60%
mouth 4.30%
window 2.86%
store 2.86%
possibility 1.99%
market 1.91%
option 1.83%
shirt 1.27%
game 1.11%
option + n. >>共 220
contract 10.31%
year 6.67%
market 4.75%
package 4.45%
grant 3.94%
quarterback 3.54%
exchange 3.24%
plan 3.03%
open 2.33%
offense 2.33%
每页显示:    共 23