1.   Fox Broadcasting, however, opted to pull the scene rather than risk the wrath of advertisers.

2.   However, Morgan Shephard is hanging around in case Sadler opts to pull out.

3.   Instead, Johnson opted to pull Park after seven innings in fear the forming blister would tear and cost Park his next start.

4.   Stanford President Gerhard Casper opted to pull out of the merger before a joint review of the operation was completed.

5.   Mantion said if the United Nations opts to pull his men out, a void will be left in Rwanda.

v. + pull >>共 105
back 13.61%
use 8.38%
be 3.66%
can 2.62%
opt 2.62%
say 2.62%
show 2.62%
do 2.09%
rush 2.09%
out 1.57%
opt + v. >>共 389
stay 6.73%
take 3.51%
use 3.51%
play 3.44%
go 3.29%
leave 3.00%
have 2.12%
keep 2.05%
sell 1.98%
remain 1.83%
pull 0.37%
每页显示:    共 5