1.   By selling the business now, Rose is opting to focus on aero engine-derived equipment, a niche business.

2.   CompuServe in February slowed down marketing for its flagship product, opting to focus on the introduction of its new easier-to-use WOW!

3.   On the other hand, Disney, despite its string of highly successful animated films, had generally opted to focus on cookie-cutter comedies.

4.   Nick Faldo, who has won twice here, opted to focus on the U.S. Tour Championship later this month.

v. + focus >>共 80
be 4.80%
recast 4.80%
seem 4.80%
opt 3.20%
reorganize 3.20%
resign 3.20%
use 3.20%
accord 2.40%
say 2.40%
act 1.60%
opt + v. >>共 389
stay 6.73%
take 3.51%
use 3.51%
play 3.44%
go 3.29%
leave 3.00%
have 2.12%
keep 2.05%
sell 1.98%
remain 1.83%
focus 0.29%
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