1.   This oppressive measure on the part of the authority aroused much anger among writers.

2.   A dynamic and caring community can never be reached through oppressive measures.

3.   Diaries, films and propaganda flyers describe the increasingly oppressive Nazi measures against the Jews.

4.   Such oppressive measures have only strengthened their determination to remain independent, which has resulted in their being the most widely dispersed tribal group to have come from China.

a. + measure >>共 741
new 6.58%
similar 3.73%
emergency 2.14%
precautionary 2.09%
cost-cutting 2.03%
good 1.99%
preventive 1.91%
tough 1.71%
drastic 1.57%
temporary 1.52%
oppressive 0.03%
oppressive + n. >>共 141
heat 16.82%
regime 8.56%
government 7.65%
condition 3.36%
rule 3.36%
humidity 2.14%
tax 1.53%
policy 1.53%
law 1.22%
system 1.22%
measure 1.22%
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