1.   A lot of scientific evidence supports the opposite conclusion.

2.   It is strange how two scientists studying the same problem can come to completely opposite conclusions.

3.   Why did the civil jury come to a conclusion opposite to that of the criminal jury more than a year ago?

4.   Fiona and Mark mean something quite different by the word God such that they come to diametrically opposite conclusions.

5.   Investigators who have reviewed the research have come to quite opposite conclusions.

6.   And yet, that very concern about credibility can just as easily lead to the opposite conclusion.

7.   Another study reported last year in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, however, used similar procedures yet reached the opposite conclusion.

8.   A dissenting opinion by Justices Stanley Mosk and Joyce Kennard drew the opposite conclusion.

9.   A year earlier, the same intelligence agency reached the opposite conclusion, warning that Iran had nuclear ambitions.

10.   But an evaluation found that E.N.A.B.L. failed to discourage teen-agers from having sex, though a recent study, not yet released, reached the opposite conclusion.

a. + conclusion >>共 511
same 10.94%
similar 6.36%
different 6.03%
successful 3.12%
logical 2.95%
firm 2.75%
final 2.70%
opposite 1.91%
wrong 1.66%
such 1.58%
opposite + n. >>共 292
direction 24.21%
side 10.70%
effect 6.88%
end 6.60%
sex 6.06%
way 3.28%
field 2.64%
view 2.35%
approach 2.25%
conclusion 1.64%
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