1.   The assassination attempt has definitely spoilt the previously positive atmosphere between the opposing parties.

2.   The seventy members of the Sanhedrin were drawn mainly from two opposing parties, the Sadducees and the Pharisees.

3.   There are disagreements between councillors of the same party just as there are disagreements between those of opposing parties.

4.   There is too little cooperation between the opposing parties to get anything done in government.

5.   However, opposing parties complained that his presence at Civic Forum and PAV rallies contravened election rules.

6.   Of the opposing parties, a score of men lost their lives or were badly hurt on each side.

7.   Is the road to Scottish-style democracy and a Scottish parliament just plain littered with members of opposing parties linking arms and striding towards the new tomorrow?

8.   An impressed Zedillo suggested he present his ideas to the opposing parties and their probable candidates.

9.   And like DiIulio, he is not afraid to side with a Republican when he thinks the opposing party is right.

a. + party >>共 541
political 20.02%
ruling 7.57%
the 4.30%
new 2.54%
warring 2.01%
governing 1.90%
main 1.74%
small 1.41%
smaller 1.38%
communist 1.27%
opposing 0.23%
opposing + n. >>共 425
team 9.18%
side 7.00%
player 6.37%
view 4.82%
pitcher 4.07%
force 3.81%
coach 3.77%
defense 3.19%
party 3.10%
quarterback 2.14%
每页显示:    共 74