1.   At the same time, a sizable majority of Americans strongly opposes illegal immigration, at least if polls are accurate.

2.   Before the Civil War, several secret Protestant organizations that opposed immigration, especially of Catholics arriving from Ireland and Germany, formed the American Party.

3.   Advocates for immigrants as well as those who oppose immigration say the pendulum began to swing in favor of immigrants four years ago.

4.   But while those who wish to appear neutral talk about tides and waves and flows, those who oppose immigration use more insidious liquid metaphors.

5.   Farmingville is also where the Sachem Quality of Life Organization, a group that opposes illegal immigration, began.

6.   In Italy, the debate does not starkly pit those who oppose immigration against those who favor it.

7.   It would be more logical for foes of globalization to also oppose immigration, but they find such a stance politically incorrect.

8.   Like most Americans, Latinos oppose illegal immigration.

9.   The party opposes immigration, and some charge that it is racist and xenophobic.

10.   The strategy seemed to be working until the revelation that Huffington, whose campaign leaned heavily on opposing illegal immigration, had knowingly hired illegal aliens in his home.

v. + immigration >>共 172
curb 9.96%
limit 4.98%
restrict 4.84%
reduce 4.55%
stop 3.70%
control 3.56%
fight 3.27%
oppose 2.56%
encourage 2.13%
combat 1.71%
oppose + n. >>共 823
plan 3.79%
bill 3.59%
measure 3.43%
idea 3.21%
move 3.01%
abortion 2.17%
effort 1.85%
use 1.82%
proposal 1.69%
change 1.63%
immigration 0.14%
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