1.   However, the leader of the DUP group on the council, William Dick, said his party would oppose any attempt to provide a permanent site for travellers.

2.   Both the Reagan and Bush administrations had opposed attempts by advocates to scale back institutions and expand community services.

3.   Broadcasters have long opposed external attempts to regulate the content of programs on First Amendment and censorship issues.

4.   But analysts say Verizon likely will oppose any attempts to unionize employees at its wireless unit.

5.   But he said he would oppose attempts to further expand them.

6.   But her credentials as a police officer and administrator and her previous willingness to work with the RUC may comfort Protestants who oppose attempts to reform it.

7.   But Morawski said neither Terry Nichols nor McVeigh ever attended Michigan Militia meetings and James Nichols openly opposed any attempt to violently overthrow the government at a meeting.

8.   But the spokesmen did confirm that Lott told Jeffords that he strongly opposes attempts by the Democrats to achieve universal health coverage through a series of separate bills.

9.   Clinton also hailed the good news but said he would oppose attempts by lawmakers to use budget surpluses for purposes other than fixing the retirement program.

10.   Despite the unrivaled distinction of the United States as the murder capital of the developed world, the NRA has opposed all attempts to stem the proliferation of guns.

v. + attempt >>共 566
make 21.13%
block 5.10%
resist 4.20%
reject 3.47%
foil 2.68%
fight 2.54%
oppose 2.40%
abandon 2.09%
thwart 2.04%
survive 1.50%
oppose + n. >>共 823
plan 3.79%
bill 3.59%
measure 3.43%
idea 3.21%
move 3.01%
abortion 2.17%
effort 1.85%
use 1.82%
proposal 1.69%
change 1.63%
attempt 0.79%
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