1.   It upheld the section of the law that permitted operators to exercise editorial control and either ban or allow indecent material on the leased access channels.

2.   Across the coastal waters small craft operators should exercise caution this afternoon due to choppy seas.

3.   For the marine community, our local coastal waters will continue to have light chop so small craft operators should exercise caution while navigating offshore waters.

4.   For this reason small craft operators should exercise caution this afternoon.

5.   Small craft operators should exercise caution Atlantic waters.

6.   Small craft operators should exercise caution if venturing out on the coastal waters this afternoon and tonight.

7.   Small craft operators should exercise caution in these waters.

8.   Small craft operators should exercise caution this afternoon due to these strong winds and choppy seas.

9.   Small craft operators should exercise caution this afternoon over the coastal waters.

10.   Small craft operators should exercise caution.

n. + exercise >>共 301
craft 11.87%
people 3.54%
government 3.03%
operator 3.03%
mariner 2.65%
employee 2.40%
military 2.02%
executive 2.02%
court 1.77%
patient 1.52%
operator + v. >>共 646
say 11.39%
be 9.34%
have 5.05%
take 1.67%
offer 1.43%
make 1.33%
use 1.30%
begin 1.09%
report 0.92%
continue 0.92%
exercise 0.82%
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