1.   But on the other side of the ledger, reduced operating expenses offset the miscalculations.

2.   We must reduce our operating expenses.

3.   Also, operating expenses were lower in the quarter as the company streamlined its process for acquiring customers and spent less on marketing, he said.

4.   American Express said it expected some of the savings to bolster earnings in the form of improved operating expense margins.

5.   Amtrak is facing a December deadline, established five years ago, to make enough money to cover its operating expenses.

6.   An Apple spokeswoman acknowledged, however, that operating expenses were a main factor in dissolving the joint venture.

7.   Another attraction is that operating expenses are very low, even lower than index funds.

8.   Arco is trying to cut costs to compete with other refiners who are reducing operating expenses through alliances.

9.   As a result, Shoshone tribal leaders had to tap savings accounts to cover tribal operating expenses this year.

10.   At the same time, it is looking for savings in such operating expenses as employee payrolls and government program costs.

a. + expense >>共 542
medical 9.27%
operating 6.45%
living 4.53%
legal 3.13%
higher 2.64%
administrative 2.23%
personal 2.02%
great 1.99%
additional 1.89%
public 1.80%
operating + n. >>共 423
cost 15.56%
profit 10.54%
expense 5.35%
company 4.65%
table 4.11%
loss 3.83%
income 3.01%
agreement 2.37%
margin 2.34%
unit 1.93%
每页显示:    共 207