1.   I pried open several cartons of bean sprouts, basil, and lettuces and soaked them in a pail of water.

2.   Also be suspicious of open cartons piled on top of one another, warehouse-style.

3.   The company is ditching its warehouse-style layout for eye-level displays and fewer giraffe-high shelves and open cartons.

4.   At Paris subway stops and in train stations, transport officials were replacing trash cans with open cardboard cartons out of fears that explosives could be stashed inside.

a. + carton >>共 69
cardboard 18.05%
corrugated 7.52%
empty 5.26%
shipping 4.51%
large 3.76%
open 3.01%
little 2.26%
outer 2.26%
white 2.26%
ice-cream 1.50%
open + n. >>共 863
space 5.41%
field 2.69%
mind 2.21%
window 2.03%
court 1.94%
seat 1.79%
air 1.65%
arm 1.63%
fire 1.59%
sky 1.51%
carton 0.03%
每页显示:    共 4