1.   In the Ubbelohde viscometer an aliquot of solution of known volume is pipetted into bulb D through A.

2.   This leaves the end of the capillary open or suspended.

3.   The aglandular forestomach was opened to allow gentle removal of the resting contents with forceps and moistened cotton wool before insertion of the cannulae.

4.   Officers were preparing for a full-scale assault on the residence when the gate opened, allowing them to enter.

5.   On rare occasions, though, their wrought-iron gates are opened to allow a glimpse at the splendors that diplomatic Washington keeps behind closed doors.

6.   On very cold days the vent can be opened to allow the warm air into the wall cavity.

7.   The cathedral portals were opened to allow hundreds of priests, nuns, deacons, representatives of lay orders and leaders of other religions to enter the cathedral.

8.   Those valves are high up in the pipe, and can open to allow water that is less gaseous to enter the column.

9.   Fans threw confetti at the cars because many of the buildings near the parade route do not have windows that open to allow a traditional ticker-tape parade.

10.   He said closed borders crossings should be opened to allow for a freer flow of Palestinians.

v. + allow >>共 404
say 6.05%
postpone 2.87%
suspend 2.18%
open 2.08%
close 1.88%
delay 1.78%
will 1.78%
pass 1.78%
be 1.68%
reach 1.39%
open + v. >>共 201
reveal 10.69%
mix 9.38%
determine 4.13%
allow 3.94%
leave 3.75%
say 3.38%
fire 2.63%
let 2.25%
be 1.50%
accommodate 1.13%
每页显示:    共 21