1.   Anzoil is conducting the first onshore oil and gas exploration in Vietnam in more than a decade.

2.   Executives of AGIP and CNPC, the Chinese state-backed company for onshore oil activities, signed the agreement.

3.   Executives of AGIP and CNPC, the Chinese state-backed company for onshore oil activities, signed the agreement as Li and Prodi looked on.

4.   They seized more than two-thirds of the vast nation, including the largest onshore oil facility and diamond mines.

5.   Part of their mission is to secure an onshore oil exploration project between the state-run Philippine National Oil Co. and a Malaysian firm.

a. + oil >>共 628
heating 7.65%
iraqi 5.23%
major 3.13%
cooking 2.92%
foreign 2.81%
state 2.53%
higher 2.19%
international 2.12%
russian 2.10%
offshore 1.56%
onshore 0.04%
onshore + n. >>共 57
wind 43.32%
breeze 29.49%
flow 8.99%
oil 1.15%
gas 0.69%
excursion 0.69%
pipeline 0.69%
exploration 0.69%
facility 0.69%
field 0.69%
每页显示:    共 5