1.   But the only long-term solution is to rebuild your career and your life around strategies that work in a dejobbed environment.

2.   Surgery can sometimes assist, but again, the only long-term solution is screening of breeding stock.

3.   That is the only long-term future for the coal industry.

4.   The only long-term, intimate relationships that Ally McBeal could have are with the mirror or the camera.

5.   Proponents of relocation, however, say that it offers the only long-term chance for the rhino to recover.

6.   American specialists have installed a security system at the Georgia reactor, but officials say the only long-term solution is to remove the nuclear material.

7.   And when only long-term funds are considered, fund shareholders have more than three-quarters of their assets in stocks, with the remaining one-quarter in bonds.

8.   A. I believe profoundly that earnings and dividends are the only long-term, long-term determinants of stock prices.

9.   But in the end the only long-term solutions are political.

10.   But only long-term research can resolve the questions of what happens to the heat-treated collagen and whether nerve endings will grow back and cause more problems.

d. + long-term >>共 59
more 19.68%
only 12.06%
best 11.75%
better 7.30%
most 4.44%
very 3.49%
even 3.49%
not 2.86%
also 2.22%
real 2.22%
only + a. >>共 674
one 18.20%
a_few 10.29%
two 8.59%
three 4.54%
four 2.98%
five 1.92%
six 1.37%
major 1.17%
minor 1.09%
seven 0.99%
long-term 0.07%
每页显示:    共 38