1.   And it was only last November that the government banned its use for all farm animals.

2.   Erteco, for example, broke even for the first time only last year.

3.   I visited the drug prevention team in Newham only last week.

4.   It closed only last Christmas, when the lease expired.

5.   Katherine Garrett-Cox became chief investment officer at Aberdeen Asset Management only last month.

6.   She will recall that Britain halved its sub-strategic nuclear weaponry only last year.

7.   The Bruins version contains photographs of the new FleetCenter, in which the team began playing only last year.

8.   The last one - it happened only last year - was particularly nasty.

9.   Only last week a scorpion stung you.

d. + last >>共 296
just 23.93%
only 13.48%
very 5.27%
also 4.18%
again 3.70%
so 2.70%
slightly 1.81%
briefly 1.73%
sharply 1.57%
well 1.49%
only + a. >>共 674
one 18.20%
a_few 10.29%
two 8.59%
three 4.54%
four 2.98%
five 1.92%
six 1.37%
major 1.17%
minor 1.09%
seven 0.99%
last 0.62%
每页显示:    共 333