1.   But he insisted they were only isolated incidents.

2.   This has been destroyed to the point where only isolated pockets remain.

3.   Another very warm and rather humid day is expected along the Atlantic Seaboard with hazy sunshine amid billowy cumulus clouds, but only isolated afternoon thunderstorms.

4.   A front will stall over central Florida, but only isolated showers are expected in the southeast section.

5.   A study of Subic, which the Philippine government is developing as an international business and tourism zone, found only isolated contamination.

6.   All these movements of birds mean that a policy of landscape management preserving only isolated pieces of natural habitat is doomed to fail.

7.   But these are only isolated exceptions.

8.   Certainly there have been only isolated cases cropping up locally.

9.   Florida and the much of the Gulf states will be sultry with only isolated thundershowers, mostly near the coast.

10.   New England will receive a respite from recent heavy rain with only isolated showers expected.

d. + isolated >>共 146
only 14.58%
increasingly 11.68%
more 10.33%
not 7.14%
most 3.47%
so 3.38%
relatively 2.80%
diplomatically 2.80%
politically 2.61%
socially 2.41%
only + a. >>共 674
one 18.20%
a_few 10.29%
two 8.59%
three 4.54%
four 2.98%
five 1.92%
six 1.37%
major 1.17%
minor 1.09%
seven 0.99%
isolated 0.28%
每页显示:    共 150