1.   I see what were once beautiful, shade-giving trees left Marred and destroyed.

2.   The once beautiful gardens were nothing but dry brush, and the chicken coops were broken and falling down.

3.   The outlook for this once beautiful natural coast, its mangroves and Marine life looks bleak.

4.   Looking out of his window he could see the once beautiful Nicaean capital in flames.

5.   A once beautiful, vibrant woman is found in heartbreaking repose in her home on a quiet street.

6.   A place at once beautiful and horrible.

7.   Her mother, Aeh, fished into the plastic bag that served as her purse to find a photograph of her once beautiful daughter.

8.   It is like exhibiting the bones of a once beautiful woman.

9.   Mrs. Howard holds photos of their once beautiful home in a room which has been gutted and is soon to be rebuilt.

10.   Their indiscriminate shelling of civilian areas took a heavy toll, both on humans and on a once beautiful old city.

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