1.   ON behalf of many ex-M.N.

2.   On behalf of the may I thank you for your you your commitment, your concern and a wonderful party held on Christmas day at the Wilsden Hall.

3.   And what influence will they have if not on behalf of advertisers?

4.   He sued them both on behalf of Ray.

5.   On behalf of Senator Collins and myself, thank you for being with us.

6.   On behalf of six million people?

7.   On behalf of the children,

8.   On behalf of his family,

9.   On behalf of them, Mr. Walter, thanks for the gloves.

10.   On behalf of my family, thanks for the memories.

a. + behalf >>共 6
on 68.42%
so_on 10.53%
filed 5.26%
in 5.26%
invested 5.26%
pitiful 5.26%
on + n. >>共 511
top 2.69%
one 2.40%
television 2.11%
concern 2.02%
board 1.83%
defense 1.73%
paper 1.54%
display 1.34%
expectation 1.25%
behalf 1.25%
每页显示:    共 13