1.   Some manufacturing companies are also voluntarily cleaning up old waste dumps.

2.   Federal environmental officials have agreed to allow a million additional tons of lightly tainted mud to be disposed of at the old dump site before next September.

3.   Initially, miners thought they would pull recyclable riches from old dumps for resale, but experience quickly taught them otherwise.

4.   It was public officials, after all, who built and ran the notorious old municipal dumps without linings or environmental safeguards.

5.   Not Michael Ovitz, the Disney defector who proposed setting up shop on an old dump site in Carson, no relation to Johnny.

6.   These are mainly old dumps that overlie polluted ground water.

7.   These include logging roads, ice ponds, bridge abutments, old dumps, abandoned rails, railroad ties and ironware.

8.   Trotter also complained that clean-up efforts on some old dumps were taking too long.

9.   Volatile organic compounds, Van Atta says, mostly come from old dump sites and industrial sites that operated when environment standards were less strict.

10.   With old dumps closed, many communities have to ship their trash to other counties for disposal.

a. + dump >>共 114
waste 25.84%
nuclear 14.50%
toxic 6.72%
illegal 4.20%
proposed 2.73%
local 2.10%
old 2.10%
municipal 2.10%
open 1.47%
nearby 1.47%
old + n. >>共 1367
friend 4.16%
day 3.78%
one 2.74%
woman 1.55%
people 1.29%
system 1.26%
way 1.20%
house 1.18%
building 1.06%
lady 0.87%
dump 0.03%
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