1.   Amber bath oil has a sedative effect.

2.   And what did the oil have to do with it?

3.   And Yugoslavs have discovered that lemon oil has a slight sedative effect on the nervous systems of fish.

4.   Argan oil has a vibrantly toasty, nutlike flavor with fruity overtones and a pleasing soupcon of bitterness.

5.   Argane oil has a vibrantly toasty, nutlike flavor with fruity overtones and a pleasing soupcon of bitterness.

6.   As the first president of the four-year-old California Olive Oil Council she wanted to make sure that California oil would have integrity.

7.   Better oils have a harvest date listed on their labels, and should be used within a year, preferably six months of purchase.

8.   Blend, stopping the machine to push the mixture down once or twice, until the oil has a cream-like consistency.

9.   After sitting overnight, the engine oil has a tendency to thicken.

10.   But over the last decade, the quest for Arctic oil has quietly, and almost completely, changed.

n. + have >>共 1318
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people 1.78%
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state 0.96%
official 0.95%
man 0.88%
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oil 0.02%
oil + v. >>共 357
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flow 2.87%
come 2.60%
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