1.   Although officials have painted Milosevic as the perpetrator of the forced expulsions, they have not gone so far as to accuse his forces of committing acts of genocide.

2.   Baltimore officials will not comment, but league officials painted a vivid picture of what happened.

3.   But UCLA officials painted a less uncertain picture in court depositions and the published literature.

4.   Federal law enforcement officials paint a more sinister portrait.

5.   Fund officials are painting the meetings as a way of getting to know companies as its holdings overseas grow.

6.   In trying to sell the idea to the Mexican authorities, Arizona officials paint the plan as a humanitarian gesture.

7.   Pentagon officials paint a frustrating picture of interrogations yielding little evidence on which to build a case against anyone in captivity.

8.   Publicly, government officials are still painting a rosy picture of the economy, making every effort to differentiate Argentina from other emerging market countries.

9.   Sacramento officials paint a picture of world weather gone mad.

10.   State officials painted a picture of serious problems within their nursing home inspection and enforcement systems.

n. + paint >>共 446
report 5.24%
artist 4.81%
official 2.46%
people 2.14%
worker 2.14%
prosecutor 1.60%
number 1.39%
man 1.18%
book 1.07%
child 1.07%
official + v. >>共 435
say 47.50%
be 4.69%
decline 1.52%
deny 1.31%
tell 1.13%
have 1.07%
refuse 1.01%
confirm 0.91%
insist 0.87%
believe 0.81%
paint 0.01%
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