1.   Furthermore, Iraqi officials have been interfering with the work of the United Nations inspectors.

2.   Officials interfered with investigations into the program more than half a dozen times, the letter said, pressuring witnesses and sabotaging a federal audit.

3.   Once more, they charged, EU officials were interfering in British affairs.

4.   Schiavo also said FAA officials interfered with her criminal cases, but declined to comment further, saying the matter is under investigation by the FBI and others.

5.   When antitobacco congressman Henry Waxman asked Mason to say that again on Capitol Hill, Mason chickened out, saying domestic health officials do not interfere with trade.

6.   Still, local officials rarely interfere if the matches remain discreet.

7.   The crews usually were escorted, but Sri Lankan officials did not interfere with the shooting or scripting.

8.   The investors said they have appealed to the Beijing Higher Court, and they called on the government to ensure that Beijing officials do not interfere in the case.

9.   The OSCE said local and regional officials had interfered with electoral commissions and that the media were biased.

10.   The organization said local and regional officials had interfered with electoral commissions and that the media were biased.

n. + interfere >>共 430
government 6.17%
police 4.11%
court 2.06%
drug 1.67%
force 1.54%
official 1.54%
law 1.54%
politics 1.41%
state 1.16%
work 0.90%
official + v. >>共 435
say 47.50%
be 4.69%
decline 1.52%
deny 1.31%
tell 1.13%
have 1.07%
refuse 1.01%
confirm 0.91%
insist 0.87%
believe 0.81%
interfere 0%
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