1.   Officers will stop cyclists throughout March and offer crime prevention advice.

2.   An officer stopped the driver and then gave Smetanka the bad news.

3.   Apparently, the officers stopped the man as a suspected drug dealer.

4.   As part of the Police Department program, many drivers now display police stickers allowing officers to stop and search their vehicles at any time.

5.   As part of the practice, officers stop motorists and conduct quick visual examinations of whether the driver is impaired or is carrying illegal narcotics.

6.   At Houston Intercontinental Airport, officers stopped every vehicle entering the parking garages, though the inspection took barely a minute when a reporter and photographer arrived last week.

7.   Avila told investigators that at one point the officers stopped, pulled him out of the car and hit him several times.

8.   - Allowing law enforcement officers to stop motorists who fail to use their seat belts.

9.   A little while later, four burly plainclothes officers stopped and stared at three young men who had stopped to stare at the Gap store.

10.   A patrol officer initially stopped Evans for driving the wrong way on a one-way street in front of a police station.

n. + stop >>共 1095
police 4.91%
people 2.68%
government 2.48%
rain 1.92%
company 1.64%
official 1.27%
train 1.23%
heart 1.08%
car 0.98%
officer 0.98%
officer + v. >>共 754
say 12.40%
be 9.59%
have 2.27%
tell 1.69%
find 1.63%
arrive 1.39%
try 1.33%
fire 1.31%
take 1.31%
go 1.17%
stop 0.79%
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