1.   Officers then shot Mao in the leg several times and he collapsed.

2.   One Stasi officer shot himself in front of intruders in the southern town of Suhl.

3.   The killing led to rioting by African students who claimed that the officer wilfully shot at point-blank range.

4.   Another officer then shot Pickett in the knee.

5.   At first, witnesses said, officers shot in the air, and then they fired into the crowd.

6.   At one demonstration in May that year, National Guard officers shot and killed four students when an anti-war rally at Kent State in Ohio turned ugly.

7.   A few weeks ago, an officer shot Malcolm Ferguson, a Bronx drug dealer, while chasing him in his stairwell.

8.   A few days after his encounter, four plainclothes officers shot and killed an unarmed African immigrant in the Bronx.

9.   Earlier this month, a Boston officer shot and wounded a man at the wheel of a vehicle in Copley Square.

10.   During that time, he said, not a single black officer shot a white officer.

n. + shoot >>共 1008
gunman 10.13%
police 9.01%
soldier 7.53%
troop 5.00%
man 3.41%
force 3.01%
militant 2.69%
rebel 1.99%
officer 1.94%
price 1.63%
officer + v. >>共 754
say 12.40%
be 9.59%
have 2.27%
tell 1.69%
find 1.63%
arrive 1.39%
try 1.33%
fire 1.31%
take 1.31%
go 1.17%
shoot 0.83%
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