1.   A career Foreign Service officer and Middle East expert, Burns combines boyish charm and good looks with the verbal precision and politesse Christopher values.

2.   A former national security adviser to President Ronald Reagan and career Army officer, Powell had a finely tuned sense of politics.

3.   After the couple divorced, the children were adopted by their stepfather, a career Army officer, and took his name.

4.   Clinton also intends to nominate Nicholas Burns, a career Foreign Service officer and former State Department spokesman, to be ambassador to Greece.

5.   Her father was a career Army officer.

6.   He wanted to be like his father, Nathan Palmer, a career Army officer, who is a retired major.

7.   His father, a sensitive nonconformist who wrote and taught literature, became a career Army officer.

8.   Keyes, the youngest of five children, is the son of a career Army officer who moved the family repeatedly through Italy and the United States.

9.   Laura stayed with her mother, who then married a career Army officer.

10.   Roy, a Bush family friend, was a career Foreign Service officer under presidents of both parties.

n. + career >>共 374
college 11.80%
football 8.06%
baseball 6.02%
film 4.90%
basketball 3.95%
movie 3.57%
business 3.28%
music 2.49%
tennis 2.20%
eight-year 1.74%
officer 0.62%
officer + n. >>共 226
corps 12.37%
career 3.20%
hostage 2.77%
rank 2.56%
program 2.13%
point 1.71%
people 1.49%
club 1.49%
school 1.49%
claim 1.28%
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