1.   Full courses in Scottish Literature are now offered throughout the four years.

2.   The audit aimed to establish a comprehensive list of the modules being offered throughout the Region, and to identify the gaps in provision.

3.   At the same time, Clark is expected to mock the conspiracy theories the defense has offered throughout the trial and is likely to focus upon in its closing.

4.   Caroling, concerts, exhibits and holiday meals in Colonial taverns are offered throughout the month.

5.   Classes are also offered throughout the year in everything from woodworking and celestial navigation to model-ship making and restoring wooden boats.

6.   Once the service is offered throughout Sweden, users will have to register with the company, offering details of their household.

7.   Other performances and participatory classes are offered throughout the year.

8.   Other classes, food events and mushroom walks are also offered throughout the year.

9.   The amendment to campaign spending legislation would require television stations to abide by current law that political ads be given the lowest rate offered throughout the year.

10.   The eight-session class that meets weekly is offered throughout the year by hospitals and health organizations.

v. + throughout >>共 1244
spread 5.97%
continue 4.69%
scattered 4.32%
hear 2.27%
feel 1.70%
hold 1.65%
lead 1.51%
use 1.40%
find 1.23%
know 1.19%
offer 0.19%
offer + p. >>共 92
in 25.45%
as 13.50%
on 13.18%
at 12.12%
up 9.26%
by 3.58%
through 2.78%
with 2.69%
from 1.83%
during 1.49%
throughout 0.40%
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