1.   Do coffee growers offer guided visits for tourists?

2.   More than a half-dozen companies offer guided trips, with most departing from San Jose.

3.   Several companies offer guided and self-guided rafting trips down the Nantahala River in six to eight-person rafts and inflatable kayaks.

4.   Several farms offer guided pony rides.

5.   The church offers guided tours to areas normally off-limits, such as the charnel house and its collection of medieval human bones.

6.   The museum also operates a bookstore and offers guided tours of the ghetto, including visits to several synagogues.

7.   The Ranch offers guided walks and rock climbs.

n. + guide >>共 335
coach 2.14%
principle 2.14%
medium 1.79%
book 1.43%
offer 1.25%
program 1.25%
tour 1.25%
spirit 1.07%
faith 1.07%
player 1.07%
offer + v. >>共 403
be 36.92%
come 10.88%
include 2.81%
have 1.97%
expire 1.22%
fall 1.09%
go 1.05%
stand 1.01%
apply 0.92%
make 0.88%
guide 0.29%
每页显示:    共 7