1.   An all-day tour Saturday of areas that were impassable as long as the Israeli offensive continued found a patchwork of destruction.

2.   Bosnian government officials had no concrete explanation for why the offensive was continuing, but in the field in Sanski Most, a major had his own explanation.

3.   Gen. Joao de Matos said peace could only be achieved if the military offensive continued and weakened the rebels.

4.   If this offensive continued, it might eventually oblige the Bosnian Serbs close to the Bihac pocket to think about protecting their rear.

5.   Pollack said major cleavages are likely to emerge in the Taliban leadership as the airstrikes and Northern Alliance offensive continues.

6.   The Israeli offensive continued Friday with quick, targeted operations.

7.   The strikes came as signs of an alliance offensive continued to mount.

8.   Acting President Vladimir Putin said the offensive would continue until the rebels are annihilated.

9.   At emergency meetings last week, the allies agreed to threaten air strikes should the Serbian offensive continue.

10.   But Prime Minister Shimon Peres said the offensive would continue.

n. + continue >>共 1148
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talk 1.81%
government 1.60%
economy 1.56%
investor 1.34%
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offensive 0.10%
offensive + v. >>共 189
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continue 5.09%
appear 3.35%
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