1.   But Jennifer Rizzotti kept the UConn offense going, and the Huskies, who watched their lead wither to a point, drew away.

2.   Instead, they missed shots they would expect to make, then let the Jazz beat them down the court to get their previously struggling offense going.

3.   Meanwhile, UConn could not get its offense going.

4.   That will get the offense going.

5.   The Giants play Philadelphia next week, and between now and then they must find a way to get their inept offense going.

6.   The Knicks had missed their first two shots and were trying to get some semblance of an offense going when Childs saw Houston by himself under the basket.

7.   The Texas Rangers found the perfect fodder to get their sputtering offense going and had the right weapon to deliver the blow.

8.   This season, the Bears are just trying to get their offense going.

9.   And they played a man down, yet got their offense going.

10.   As a result, coach Bill Cowher may be more inclined to stay with Stewart in an effort to get the offense going without constantly shuffling quarterbacks.

n. + going >>共 295
momentum 4.94%
thing 4.94%
economy 2.90%
streak 2.73%
career 2.04%
business 2.04%
team 1.87%
offense 1.87%
run 1.53%
show 1.36%
offense + n. >>共 92
going 7.86%
field 4.29%
run 3.57%
report 2.86%
flow 2.14%
line 2.14%
off-balance 2.14%
right 2.14%
score 2.14%
work 2.14%
每页显示:    共 11