1.   The odds appear long.

2.   The odds appear to be dwindling with each passing moment.

3.   The odds appeared too long to make up, Foley said.

4.   But odds appeared good that the field trip, the second of the trial, will take place.

5.   The odds would appear to be in favor of a Graf-Davenport final on Sunday.

6.   The odds against him appear long.

7.   The odds appear to be against it.

8.   Visibly proud of their action, the operatives pledged to continue their fight against pirates, but the odds against them appear overwhelming.

9.   The odds do appear to be conspiring against the Norwegians as the two countries prepare to open their Cup campaign.

n. + appear >>共 1545
man 1.42%
government 1.09%
side 1.01%
name 0.98%
official 0.98%
investor 0.88%
attack 0.71%
leader 0.59%
report 0.59%
move 0.59%
odd 0.04%
odd + v. >>共 82
be 73.46%
favor 4.12%
seem 3.14%
say 1.30%
improve 1.19%
look 1.08%
get 1.08%
appear 0.98%
increase 0.87%
go 0.65%
每页显示:    共 9