1.   Is it better to use premium gasoline or to use regular with an octane booster?

2.   The problems of kids who get high on octane booster need to be solved at home, he added.

3.   The tax break goes to refiners who use ethanol made from corn as an octane booster in gasoline.

4.   MTBE, a leading oxygenate and octane booster, is short for methyl tertiary butyl ether.

5.   MTBE, a leading oxygenate and octane booster, reduces emissions of smog, but it has been linked to groundwater pollution in California and elsewhere.

6.   MTBE, a leading oxygenate and octane booster, reduces emissions of toxic chemicals and smog-causing chemicals from automobile tailpipes, the EPA said.

n. + booster >>共 109
morale 18.50%
rocket 15.99%
confidence 9.72%
city 2.82%
energy 1.88%
octane 1.88%
performance 1.57%
school 1.57%
rating 1.25%
technology 1.25%
octane + n. >>共 16
level 21.62%
booster 16.22%
fuel 16.22%
boost 5.41%
enhancer 5.41%
growth 5.41%
requirement 5.41%
brand 2.70%
content 2.70%
fund 2.70%
每页显示:    共 6