1.   Developed by Spontex, AirX contains nearly a billion naturally occurring human friendly bacteria, to break down and eat organic matter, the main cause of smells.

2.   The roots of the reeds contain naturally occurring bacteria which transform toxic elements contained in factory effluent, into benign substances.

3.   Anthrax is a naturally occurring bacterium that infects cattle and sheep.

4.   Anthrax is a naturally occurring bacteria that most often infects livestock.

5.   But rather than creating superbugs, the scientists found themselves struggling to keep the engineered bacteria from dying as the more robust naturally occurring bacteria crowded them out.

6.   It can also leave them vulnerable to sexually transmitted diseases, because the naturally occurring bacteria provide some protection.

7.   Naturally occurring bacteria essentially eat the trash.

8.   Anthrax is a naturally occurring bacteria that, when inhaled, can cause death within a few days.

9.   Anthrax is a naturally occurring bacteria found in domesticated animals.

a. + bacterium >>共 335
deadly 8.12%
harmful 6.24%
drug-resistant 3.12%
resistant 2.94%
disease-causing 2.85%
common 2.59%
dangerous 2.50%
coliform 1.96%
same 1.78%
intestinal 1.78%
occurring 1.07%
occurring + n. >>共 84
hormone 12.43%
substance 10.73%
bacterium 6.78%
protein 4.52%
gas 2.82%
chemical 2.82%
metal 2.26%
compound 2.26%
element 1.69%
level 1.69%
每页显示:    共 12