1.   When she died, the daughter was an obvious successor.

2.   If a new Prime Minister were needed for an emergency coalition and no obvious successor existed, the Sovereign would have to make the best choice possible.

3.   And, with no obvious successors in place for Dwayne Andreas, analysts expect the duties of company executives to change dramatically.

4.   As there is no obvious successor now, many analysts figure that Mellon will instead choose to sell itself.

5.   Because Muluzi has no obvious successor, the members of his governing party say he must carry on.

6.   Because Allen held all the top jobs, there was no obvious successor.

7.   But however interesting his resume, it did not make him an obvious successor to Jerome Robbins.

8.   He has no obvious successor and no real constitutional framework to create one.

9.   His departure leaves no obvious successor.

10.   If Arafat does die, he has no obvious successor as either Palestinian leader or national symbol.

a. + successor >>共 237
possible 21.50%
potential 9.26%
likely 8.09%
main 4.01%
permanent 3.28%
designated 3.06%
obvious 2.62%
worthy 2.62%
clear 2.48%
would-be 2.19%
obvious + n. >>共 1159
reason 6.17%
choice 3.71%
sign 2.56%
question 2.38%
candidate 2.07%
way 2.05%
problem 1.78%
example 1.78%
difference 1.76%
answer 1.74%
successor 0.74%
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