1.   As the spring is on private land he had to obtain the permission of the owner, but this was readily given.

2.   I visited one farm that obtained permission to convert a barn for use as a place to pack boxes.

3.   One local priest has endured arrest and gone to court to obtain permission to conduct his sacrifices in public.

4.   You will need to obtain permission from the principal.

5.   He obtained permission from his boss before talking to the press.

6.   At the outset parties were reminded that they could not hold political meetings in places of worship and had to obtain police permission to hold any meetings at all.

7.   No discussion should take place during a lesson without first obtaining the permission of the teacher concerned.

8.   In each of the participating hospitals, Ethical Committee permission was obtained for the study and all patients gave their informed consent.

9.   The Rev. had obtained the permission of the Archbishop of Canterbury to have himself buried there, at the highest point in the district, standing on his head.

10.   Another sticking point in the law is the question of whether to permit organizations to send out mass e-mail messages to people without obtaining permission from the recipients.

v. + permission >>共 93
give 18.20%
seek 12.29%
receive 11.34%
grant 8.99%
have 6.81%
obtain 6.21%
get 5.51%
ask 4.91%
refuse 4.33%
request 3.08%
obtain + n. >>共 1088
information 5.50%
permission 3.35%
approval 3.26%
copy 3.21%
visa 2.72%
permit 2.39%
license 2.39%
document 1.91%
loan 1.88%
money 1.27%
每页显示:    共 247