1.   Ignoring lawful procedures, Chun and his coconspirators took their dramatic actions before obtaining the approval of President Choi.

2.   Specific ethical approval was not obtained for physiological recordings, which were considered part of clinical management.

3.   Before obtaining CNAA approval, courses had to have authorization under further education regulations from the Regional Advisory Councils, the machinery used by the DES for this purpose.

4.   Ethics committee approval was obtained for all studies performed.

5.   Ethical approval was obtained from the hospital ethics committee.

6.   Approval was obtained from the Nottingham University Hospital Ethical Committee.

7.   Local ethical committee approval was obtained, and all patients had given fully informed consent to the procedures.

8.   Approval was obtained from the local Ethical Committee in each centre.

9.   Hospital Ethical Committee approval was obtained.

v. + approval >>共 327
win 13.13%
require 12.75%
give 9.32%
need 8.21%
seek 7.62%
receive 7.59%
get 5.11%
await 4.37%
gain 2.69%
have 2.60%
obtain 2.51%
obtain + n. >>共 1088
information 5.50%
permission 3.35%
approval 3.26%
copy 3.21%
visa 2.72%
permit 2.39%
license 2.39%
document 1.91%
loan 1.88%
money 1.27%
每页显示:    共 240