1.   Both thrillers, from noted directors Allen and Albert Hughes and John Dahl, respectively, share an artistic tone with the foreign films.

2.   Chereau, a noted director of theater and opera, attacks this story of rival Catholic and Huguenot royalty with raging revisionist passion.

3.   Jory had worked recently as an invited guest artist at UW and that set in motion negotiations between the noted director and the school.

4.   Not known for his thespian ability, the noted Polish director brings this provincial French cop to life.

5.   The noted director Colin Graham devised inventive but always clean comic staging.

6.   This article is part of a series of discussions with noted directors, actors, screenwriters, cinematographers and others in the film industry.

7.   This article is the third in a series of discussions with noted directors, actors, screenwriters and cinematographers.

8.   Ultimately, noted director Barry Primus read it and liked it, as did De Niro, and it appears the film will be released next year.

9.   Noted Italian director Marco Ferreri died Friday of a heart attack in Paris, the Italian embassy said.

10.   Chen, a noted director of historical dramas, could not be reached as he was out of Beijing, working on another project.

a. + director >>共 431
executive 21.54%
managing 12.63%
athletic 8.23%
former 4.57%
general 3.51%
new 3.11%
artistic 3.08%
assistant 2.77%
associate 2.16%
creative 1.62%
noted 0.06%
noted + n. >>共 399
lawyer 2.32%
scholar 1.77%
writer 1.64%
author 1.50%
director 1.36%
critic 1.36%
expert 1.36%
economist 1.36%
painter 1.36%
sport 1.23%
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