1.   Drizzle half the dressing over the noodle mixture and toss until evenly coated.

2.   In same pan, mix soup, sour cream, cheese, pepper and noodles mixture and heat through, stirring occasionally.

3.   Pour noodle mixture into pan.

4.   Pour mayonnaise mixture over noodle mixture.

5.   Spoon noodle mixture into artichokes, dividing it evenly.

n. + mixture >>共 540
flour 10.57%
egg 8.28%
milk 2.81%
sugar 2.67%
cheese 2.46%
yolk 2.25%
spoon 2.05%
onion 1.94%
tomato 1.91%
potato 1.80%
noodle 0.17%
noodle + n. >>共 54
soup 23.98%
dish 17.35%
shop 9.18%
salad 4.59%
house 3.06%
cake 2.55%
factory 2.55%
mixture 2.55%
restaurant 2.55%
bowl 2.04%
每页显示:    共 5