1.   As healthful substitutes go, skim milk with Replace has it all over nonfat cheese and nonfat sour cream.

2.   Avoid nonfat cheeses, which are rubbery.

3.   Do not use nonfat cheese.

4.   Nonfat cheeses still taste like petroleum products and melt with the consistency of hot asphalt on a stifling July day.

a. + cheese >>共 361
grated 11.37%
remaining 4.83%
soft 4.01%
grilled 3.52%
shredded 3.27%
hard 2.70%
melted 2.29%
local 1.72%
white 1.72%
big 1.64%
nonfat 0.33%
nonfat + n. >>共 20
yogurt 35.62%
milk 31.51%
cheese 5.48%
buttermilk 2.74%
ricotta 2.74%
spray 2.74%
caffe 1.37%
dessert 1.37%
dressing 1.37%
eggnog 1.37%
每页显示:    共 4