1.   Although the amendment applies to everyone ordained, it has been regarded as primarily a bar to the ordination of noncelibate homosexuals.

2.   Deep divisions over how to regard homosexuality and, in particular, whether to ordain noncelibate homosexuals as deacons and ministers, are not unique to United Methodists.

3.   It has also been troubled by discord, most recently about whether church law forbids the ordination of noncelibate homosexuals.

4.   It stated that homosexual activity was incompatible with scripture and noncelibate homosexuals should not be ordained.

5.   Lutheran and Episcopal practice is not to ordain noncelibate homosexuals, though some Episcopal bishops have done so anyway.

6.   No issue has proved so divisive within U.S. denominations in recent years as how to regard homosexuality and, in particular, whether to ordain noncelibate homosexuals as clergy.

7.   The church court did not overturn the ban on the ordination of noncelibate homosexuals, but it chose not to extend the prohibition to seminarians and candidates for ministry.

8.   The Evangelical Lutheran Church forbids the ordination of noncelibate homosexuals.

9.   The Evangelical Lutheran Church does not permit the ordination of noncelibate homosexuals.

10.   The questions of whether noncelibate homosexuals may be priests and whether the church may bless same-sex unions are the most bitterly contested issues among Episcopalians.

a. + homosexual >>共 84
noncelibate 6.33%
practicing 6.33%
active 5.06%
non-celibate 4.43%
male 4.43%
ordaining 3.80%
closeted 3.16%
declared 3.16%
suspected 3.16%
young 2.53%
noncelibate + n. >>共 7
homosexual 62.50%
bishop 6.25%
clergy 6.25%
member 6.25%
minister 6.25%
priest 6.25%
priesthood 6.25%
每页显示:    共 10