1.   Clinton has yet to nominate a successor for Fed Gov.

2.   The president has not nominated a successor to Kessler.

3.   At that time the company will nominate potential successors to Weinbach.

4.   Clinton has yet to nominate a successor for Fed Gov. John LaWare, who left the board last April.

5.   Clinton has not yet nominated a successor at the Fed.

6.   President Clinton has yet to nominate a successor for Fed Gov. John LaWare, who left the board last April.

7.   Still, the United States and many developing countries are watching from the sidelines as Europe fumbles its way toward nominating a successor to Camdessus.

8.   The French still hope to be able to nominate his successor.

9.   Chief Justice Denys Williams is acting as acting governor general until a successor is nominated.

10.   Despite his age, he has not nominated a successor.

v. + successor >>共 159
name 23.47%
choose 12.42%
find 8.05%
appoint 6.89%
elect 5.63%
announce 3.20%
pick 3.01%
select 2.33%
groom 1.75%
nominate 1.75%
nominate + n. >>共 209
candidate 19.06%
member 5.49%
film 3.55%
successor 2.91%
woman 2.10%
leader 1.94%
movie 1.62%
director 1.62%
president 1.62%
replacement 1.45%
每页显示:    共 18