1.   Looks like the Democrats nominated their president yesterday, Frankhn D..

2.   Both Gore and Sen. Christopher Dodd of Connecticut, in his speech nominating the president, went so far as to praise Dole even as they attacked his policies.

3.   Both Gore and Sen. Christopher Dodd, in his speech nominating the president, went so far as to praise Dole even as they attacked his policies.

4.   Nominating a president is only the second most important thing Democrats will accomplish.

5.   One is to nominate the president in waiting.

6.   Sen. Christopher Dodd of Connecticut, nominating the president, went back over much of the same ground as Gore.

7.   The convention was my first exposure to the high-pressure tactics and tensions of nominating a president.

8.   The president is nominated by the chancellor and elected by parliament.

9.   The president will be nominated by the chiefs.

10.   Yasser Arafat had himself informally nominated president by thousands of Palestinians Friday in Nablus, from which Israeli troops withdrew earlier this week.

v. + president >>共 850
elect 5.38%
include 3.21%
accuse 2.88%
impeach 2.66%
meet 2.47%
say 2.29%
choose 2.16%
see 1.90%
remove 1.77%
criticize 1.67%
nominate 0.16%
nominate + n. >>共 209
candidate 19.06%
member 5.49%
film 3.55%
successor 2.91%
woman 2.10%
leader 1.94%
movie 1.62%
director 1.62%
president 1.62%
replacement 1.45%
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