1.   Biscop Baducing was born into a noble family, then was ordained into the priesthood at the age of twenty-five.

2.   Intermarriage between the noble families means that all the counts are related at least distantly, and many are cousins or half-cousins.

3.   It was a sad sight with the faded grandeur of a once noble family home.

4.   Its lands are dotted with vineyards, villas and summer estates to which the noble families of the city retire.

5.   Thus Barbarossa came from a noble family, with a background that suited him to his eventual imperial career.

6.   Within a region, several noble families competed for influence.

7.   As it developed, bureaucratic office-holding was competed for by members of noble families who formed patronage networks leading to factional feuds between rival clientages.

8.   Born of noble family in territory controlled by the Burgundians, he left his parents and went to Lrins, where his ascetism was too severe for his health.

9.   Noble families moved from town house to country house and back again at regular seasons, with a train of servants and baggage vehicles like a small army.

a. + family >>共 830
royal 9.14%
poor 3.62%
whole 3.02%
entire 2.94%
low-income 2.07%
american 1.97%
same 1.93%
large 1.83%
wealthy 1.55%
working 1.49%
noble 0.13%
noble + n. >>共 349
cause 6.30%
goal 3.34%
family 2.47%
effort 1.98%
sentiment 1.98%
calling 1.85%
idea 1.85%
birth 1.73%
grape 1.61%
ideal 1.61%
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