1.   Because the music is simple, repetitive and easily accessible to all, no great musical ability and no books are required.

2.   Erm these things have come with DOS five on them er but no books or anything!

3.   And since there were no books and few articles on the subject, he decided to survey examples from public and private collections.

4.   Almost all of the teachers are uncertified, instruction amounts to as little as an hour a day, and until recently there were no books.

5.   But when she heard the school had no books or, at best, discarded books, that broke her heart.

6.   Having read no books, made no plans, I also had no lofty expectations, no long-held dreams that could never be realized.

7.   No books have been written about her or by her.

8.   No coffee, no English muffins, no chocolate, no vodka, no books and no music.

9.   No bags, no books, no papers.

10.   No books are more easily parodied, and there is more rubbish and nonsense in the subgenre than in any other field of mystery and detective fiction.

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