1.   Cohen writes poetry and is the author of nine books.

2.   Glendon is the Learned Hand Professor of Law at Harvard University, former president of the International Association of Legal Science and the author of nine books.

3.   He has written nine books.

4.   Rabbi David Polish, long a prominent figure in American Reform Judaism and author of nine books, died Sunday at his home in Evanston, Ill.

5.   She published nine books and was best known and much admired in Britain.

6.   The author of nine books, he also founded, with former U.S. secretary of state Cyrus Vance, the nonpartisan polling group Public Agenda.

7.   He has published nine books and over a dozen research papers in both English and Bengali.

8.   Balasuriya, who lives in Colombo, is the author of nine books and the founder of the Centre for Society and Religion in the Sri Lankan capital.

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