1.   OSCAR NOTES Bruce Townley,who attended Oscar night festivities at the Roxie Cinema in San Francisco, says that movie macho manMel Gibson got booed.

2.   Muslims are prohibited from eating and drinking during daylight hours and night time festivities are also frowned upon.

3.   Muslims are prohibited from eating and drinking during daylight hours and night time festivities have always been frowned upon.

4.   Neighborhoods put on the outdoor festivities any night they wish.

n. + festivity >>共 61
holiday 12.03%
weekend 7.52%
inauguration 6.02%
birthday 4.51%
anniversary 3.76%
week 3.76%
night 3.01%
homecoming 3.01%
year 3.01%
day 2.26%
night + n. >>共 1358
sky 8.53%
game 4.10%
club 3.71%
life 2.78%
air 2.41%
match 2.02%
spot 1.48%
vision 1.30%
dinner 1.30%
time 1.08%
festivity 0.07%
每页显示:    共 4