1.   Almost daily, there have been reports of distraught fans erecting new tributes, campaigning for a new memorial or besieging some news outlet.

2.   Although some of Swiss news outlets ventured that the photographs were inconclusive, SonntagsBlick, a mass-circulation newspaper, stuck by its account.

3.   And even if euphemisms persist in the domestic circle, they are generally shunned by the major news outlets.

4.   And each is bracing for fresh efforts to impugn further, via partisan news outlets, the sexual mores of the conflicting principals.

5.   And last fall, after his findings were published in the journal Nature, a number of news outlets, including the Globe, reported on them.

6.   And news outlets like NBC can feel less squeamish about using computer game footage to illustrate world events on the nightly news.

7.   And reporters, from both the written and broadcast news outlets, wondered if they should not have made more of an effort to get into the streets.

8.   And so his telephone and his e-mail account have been a millennial focal point of fans and news outlets.

9.   And, of course, by their very competitive nature, news outlets traditionally guard their work jealously.

10.   Army officers said privately that they believe that Milosevic and many in the top military command are regular followers of CNN, BBC and other Western news outlets.

n. + outlet >>共 269
medium 25.44%
retail 20.09%
news 10.81%
fast-food 3.71%
cable 2.57%
food 2.07%
television 1.91%
power 1.86%
factory 1.58%
entertainment 1.47%
news + n. >>共 346
report 29.04%
organization 8.59%
service 3.98%
coverage 3.86%
program 3.53%
story 3.19%
magazine 2.20%
show 1.75%
account 1.67%
broadcast 1.48%
outlet 1.22%
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