91.   Indeed, rather than helping people with cancer, the discoveries could lead to a new health care crisis.

92.   Iraq warned Thursday of a new crisis with the United Nations unless talks to lift the sanctions begin by the end of April.

93.   Iraq also could gamble that a new crisis would force the international community to negotiate a new deal more favorable to Baghdad.

94.   Iraq has accused the chief U.N. weapons inspector of fabricating a new crisis over its weapons programs.

95.   Israel Radio said Levy later briefed Netanyahu and U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright on the new crisis.

96.   Iraq is widely expected to provoke new crises over arms inspections.

97.   It relies on foreign donations, which are decreasing, as donors are turning toward new crisis in other parts of the world.

98.   Israeli Defense Minister Yitzhak Mordechai and U.S. Defense Secretary William Cohen spoke Monday to discuss the new crisis.

99.   Kithitoi was foreign minister until a new crisis government was announced later Tuesday.

100.   Last week, there was a new crisis when Greece contended that Turkish warplanes buzzed a civilian plane carrying the Greek transport minister from Cyprus to Athens.

a. + crisis >>共 401
economic 20.56%
financial 13.83%
asian 8.14%
political 6.37%
current 5.25%
monetary 1.65%
regional 1.62%
latest 1.50%
humanitarian 1.27%
constitutional 1.17%
new 1.00%
new + n. >>共 1218
government 2.04%
law 1.71%
rule 1.20%
technology 1.10%
company 0.99%
system 0.93%
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one 0.87%
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