1.   New books and revised editions on the quantum theory of atoms and molecules continue to appear.

2.   Responsible to the Acquisitions Librarian for checking the library catalogue prior to ordering new books.

3.   The school principal controls the budget, and all requests for new books must go through her.

4.   For school librarians producing notice boards with lists of new books, as done in Lossiemouth High School, it means that library users have to copy details down.

5.   While I could not afford to buy new books, I get what I like from the local library.

6.   --Although it deals mostly with selling trading cards and autographed stuff, a site called RealLegends.com has added a spot for new books and movies for sale.

7.   Amid all this, an entire series of new books talks about the importance of fathers.

8.   Among dozens of new books, some volumes are bound to appeal to the traveler in your life.

9.   And a spate of new books, a reissue of all his baseball cards and strong sales of his memorabilia indicate a long future of popularity.

10.   An armful of new books arrived today, most of them British compendiums aimed at the woodturner.

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