1.   AOL will also keep buying networking services from the long-distance company Sprint Communications Corp. as well as Cambridge-based GTE Internetworking, formerly known as BBN Corp.

2.   Even slow-moving telephone companies are showing signs of buying equipment for their push into networking services, analysts said.

3.   Her last job at Lucent was president of the global service providers business, selling packages of data networking services to major telecommunications companies.

4.   IBM sees networking services as crucial to its success in offering companies a complete range of business services, and Advantis was an early part of that strategy.

5.   I-NET, of Bethesda, Md., is a provider of computer networking services.

6.   MCI provides networking services for SHL, which has consulted with MCI on some of its most ambitious computer projects, Scrupsky said.

7.   Pacific Bell next week will roll out a new East Bay subsidiary focusing on offering data networking services to businesses.

8.   The latter staunched three years of near-crippling losses, thanks in part to a burgeoning new business in networking services.

9.   The software company said early this week it had formed an alliance with Netcom On-Line Communications Services Inc. to offer computer networking services.

10.   Thus far, neither the French nor the German phone utilities have said that they would break up Global One, which provides global networking services for multinational companies.

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network 0.09%
network + n. >>共 158
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